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  • Writer's picturebeautyandthebiologist

Life is lived in the waiting...

Life doesn't always go according to "plan". But it is in the unknown spaces that you can find yourself and how capable you truly are!

I hope whatever your desires are, know that dream was planted in your heart for a reason. You can surrender control of needing to know the HOW it is going to unfold. Take one step at a time and you will be guided. Your heart will ignite and the truth will resonate. Listen to the calm of your heart even when the chatter of your mind doesn't make sense.

By not being dependent on the outcome, but focusing on following your heart space, you'll find true happiness in the small, simple moments...

in the in-between.

Be curious what life is trying to teach you, PREPARING you for. It ALL serves a purpose!

Life is lived in the waiting.

Beauty is right here; In this very moment.

And so much sweeter when you make it to your destination.

You are being molded and refined. Trust the process.

Keep going. You've got this!

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